For Participants enrolled in Self-Direction, employing your own Direct Care Professionals (DCP), or employees, is one of your most important roles. Having a quality list of applicants can ensure you receive the highest quality support. Drafting a job description that describes the duties and responsibilities required of a DCP to provide support services to you is key to attracting quality applicants. Applicants want to see a job description that fits their skills and qualifications before they apply for your opening. The LKiChoice Job Description Template can support you in drafting a job description that accurately describes who you are, the duties and responsibilities you need support with, and the type of candidate you are looking for.
Minimum and Preferred Experience Requirements
Ideally, those with previous experience related to your job description will stand out as qualified candidates. Providing applicants an opportunity to list their previous experience will allow you to better evaluate your candidate pool. Here, you can observe where they have worked and who they have worked for in the past. You will also be able to analyze how long they worked in relevant positions and what they did in those positions.
Providing a list of minimum experience skills will set a bar for who is qualified to support you and your needs. An example of this would be requiring all applicants to possess a valid driver’s license if you require transportation services.
Providing a list of preferred experience skills will help applicants know how to stand out from the rest of the pool. These are skills not every applicant will possess but if they do, they may be able to provide a higher level of support than an applicant who does not.
An example of a preferred experience could be previous experience using the CareTime app to record EVV. It’s preferred because it is the application all Direct Care Professionals who support LKiChoice Participants use. Though, you may not consider it required experience because LKiChoice will support your new hire in learning how to use the CareTime app, regardless of their experience with it.
Remember, even if an applicant meets all your experience requirements, they may not be the right fit for you. This is why it’s essential to interview all qualified candidates to learn more about them, their previous roles, and their personality.
Required Skills
Required skills consist of the day-to-day competencies a new hire will have to possess to be considered for your opening. The more skills you can match with an applicant, the more qualified they may be. Remember, not every candidate will possess every skill you require. It will be important to know which skills an absolute must-have are to be hired and which ones can be trained on the job.
Minimum Education Requirements
Education Requirements can vary from high school diploma (or GED equivalent) and college degrees in relevant fields to state or federal training certifications you would require of an applicant. Any and all degrees presented should be verified or up-to-date.
Physical Requirements
Physical requirements can range depending on your support needs. These may include the ability to sit or stand for certain periods of time, be able to bend over and reach shelves, able to pick-up and carry items, or safely operate an automobile.
If you’d like to learn more about the first steps of creating a job description, read Drafting a Job Description (Part I).
Download our full Job Description Template to get started on your next job opening.
For more helpful resources on hiring Direct Care Professionals, like creating a list of questions to ask with an Interview Form, visit the LKiChoice Resources page.